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People of Rainier - The Meaning of the Mountain

Video ID: 0102
Date: 12/27/16
Caption: People of Rainier - The Meaning of the Mountain
Description: Follow the stories of people whose lives have been changed by The Mountain as we highlight colorful characters and personalities of Mt. Rainier. It is their stories that define the iconic Mt. Rainier region. From the time when folks first set eyes on this majestic mountain peak, it has inspired people from the depth of their souls. Our video series tells the stories of how many have become one with this mountain, each from a unique perspective; each with a different story to tell. All inspiring!

This time, we focus on the meaning of the Mountain. This meaning on takes unlimited forms from those who come for adventure to those who seek solitude. From the young in age to the young at heart, Mt. Rainier is a refuge, a playground, a place of beauty and a place of wonder. What does the Mountain mean to you?